To My Haters
My Memorable Experiences With Haters For background, school always bored me from kindergarten to my senior year of high school. I would rather compete in sports, get in trouble with friends, play video games, do a fantasy football draft, or do something exhilarating. I am going to keep writing and killin' my haters with kindness because life is too short to spend it angry at people you don't even know. I hope that people found my article funny and relatable, as that was it's purpose. To those of you who did not, I'm sorry that you don't agree with what I wrote. That does not give you the right to spew hate.
About haters. They are available in all shapes and sizes, with language that varies from the cave-dwellers’ grunting to the want-to-be intelligentsia’s bombastic spewing.
No matter what role they take, it can be frustrating and demoralizing to deal with them. And they are out there no matter what you do, what you make, or where you work.
5 Ways to Treat your Haters
There’s no way to stop them, but being prepared to deal with haters is the safest thing to do. Fortunately, for someone who is struggling, there are plenty of ways to help you do this. Letting haters get to you is easy.
Here are five measures to help you become bulletproof for haters:
1. Identify if the person is really a ‘Hater’
Not all those who disagree with you are haters. To deal with a hater properly, you first need to know if anyone is a hater or if they disagree with you. Perceiving any negative comment as ‘hatred’ makes for a miserable life, mainly if you try to share something online. Being too receptive to input and feedback would also stop you from continuously improving yourself or your career. There are always friends in disguise (even if they are a little abrasive) who question your thought, who participate in the debate, who suggest changes to your content, or who give an opposing point of view.
Such people will help you create, enhance, and refine your ideas or your art. The suggestions and conversations they make can be much more beneficial to you than your loyal fans’ approval and compliments.
On the other side, haters don’t give you anything of worth. They do not offer advice, nor do they, in any helpful way, justify their opinion. They are not involved in the dialogue, interaction, or conversation. The main distinction between a hater and a critic is that.
Comments such as “You’re a complete waste of time,” or Wow, this is total garbage,” or How adorable, you’re pretending to say anything!” are unhelpful. But if the remark is pointless or only meant to make you feel bad, you can be pretty sure you’re dealing with a hater.
Try looking at it critically when you come across a negative statement.
Ask yourself if there is something you might benefit from there or a different insight you could consider. Don’t be swayed by cutesy emoticons or verbosity. Some haters mask themselves with big words, long-winded rants, or smiley emoticons.
Focus on an unbiased evaluation of their comment or statement’s real context. If it contains nothing but bile, or if the person refuses to engage with you in some constructive debate, then you know that you are dealing with a hater.
2. Tell yourself that your intended audience isn’t haters
You will be recognized by your target audience, your extended audience, and people who are not part of your audience at all.
It’s not your role to cater to everyone, or even to most people. It’s about getting others who are (or might be) interested in what you need to share. That is an audience of yours.
Haters have never been and will never be part of your target or extended audience, so they are not interested in seeing your work or ideas or even contemplating them. If your audience members hate something you put out, they may participate in more constructive feedback or disagreement.
These are the individuals to whom you can pay attention and make changes. Haters, on the other hand, have nothing but meaningless, pointless snark. Please do not attempt to talk to them, for you will never be able to do so.
3. Moving on to the next topic or meaningful task immediately
Switching to something meaningful or positive with your attention helps you stop wallowing in your frustration or suffering. Redirect your attention to other comments, other questions, or other follow-up behaviors until you have given your hater a mental send-off. Our brains, a phenomenon is known as negativity bias, have evolved to pay attention to negative feedback.
It is essential that you quickly take your focus away from the negative stimuli because the longer your pity-party goes on, the forward momentum becomes more difficult.
4. Give a Hearty Mental Send-off to the Hater
It is difficult to pretend that there aren’t haters or their comments. Their remarks call out to us, drawing our attention to a flame-like moth. You don’t have to cover your ears and say, “la la la, I can’t hear you!” “It’ll make them go missing. And it takes a massive amount of mental energy and willpower to attempt to do so.
A better tactic is to let yourself feel the momentary blaze of frustration, then square your shoulders, look at the hater or their message directly, and give them a powerful and quick mental send-off.
This send-off should not be overthought. It should not be a lengthy rebuttal or elaborate come-back.
Keep it simple: a firmly extended middle finger or hearty “well f*@% you too” treats the remarks of a hater with the degree of eloquence and attention they merit (done physically and out loud if you are at the keyboard or emotionally if you are dealing with someone in person).
You get a little hit of testosterone by standing or sitting upright, squaring your shoulders, and confronting the person or comment by looking at it directly, which will boost your level of power and confidence.
You are granted an emotional release by the send-off itself. This mix lets you brush the hater aside and move on with a little bit more ease. At first, this method will sound empty or insincere but continue to use it with most things; with practice, you can improve.
And a crucial thing to note: once you’ve given the hater a mental send-off, don’t pay any more attention to them. Don’t return their comments or re-read them, and don’t give them more of your time.
5. Put yourself out there again… and again and again and again, and again…
A large part of engaging with haters successfully is being able to continue sharing your thoughts, material, or art, regardless of what the haters say.
It helps you grow healthier skin and more resistance to any nastiness you eventually experience by building up a body of work and getting it out there. The more you share with others, the lower the stakes for every particular piece of work would be.
It helps to spread the possibility of rejection; if a disproportionate amount of hate is drawn to one of your posts or videos, so what?
Some attention and some great feedback were drawn to those three other posts or videos you put out earlier, and in your next video, you are repairing the weird lighting and backdrop.
When you have 100 other articles out there for people to read, a couple of unpleasant comments on one post means far less.
Continuing to generate and share often discourages haters from coming at you often. They lose interest in their attempts at bullying when, despite their remarks, you continue to share your work and ideas.
It’s dull work to try to tear down a relentless optimist, and nothing reveals how little crap anyone gives about a hater than the fact that they continue to express their thoughts.
Here’s a short recap on the 5 ways to treat your haters:
1. Identify if the person is really a ‘Hater’
2. Tell yourself that your intended audience isn’t haters
3. Moving on to the next topic or meaningful task immediately
4. Give a Hearty Mental Send-off to the Hater
5. Put yourself out there again… and again and again and again, and again…
These steps work best in sequence when done together. It does not take long, and it is essential to routine practice and repetition. Over time, you will grow immunity to haters and never let your work distract you from their garbage.
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Even though you are the kindest man on Earth, there are always people that simply don't like you for what you do either they have some problem with you or even have nothing on you and still think that you are annoying to be seen. Well, don't worry about it since you have a bunch or two dislikes you, it just means that you are awesome.
Haters are always envious for things they don't have which in this case is your wonderful life. You may don't want to let your precious time going to waste to give a damn about them.
Yet still, sometimes you find it hard to completely ignore them especially when they frequently bother you each day. You can learn How to Tell Someone You Don’t Want to Exchange Christmas Gifts to help you.
Here are sarcastic things to say to haters
It said that if you let the haters negative vibes affect you, you deal with absolutely nothing and it is so useless. We all know there are times you just want to slap them in the face to make them stop. Nope, don't ever do that because we know another way that much better.

You can 'slap them' but still keep your elegance. To help you deal with it, here are sarcastic things to say to haters. Also check How to Tell Someone You Don’t Want to Be Friends Anymore.
1. 'You Have So Much Time with You, Don't You?'
Do you want to know sarcastic things to say to haters? This is a good one. You must already know that most of their time is wasting watching you doing your job. It's because they hate themselves and taking it out on you.
Yes we know, how they have so much time for you. Cute the other way, isn't it?
2. 'Oh, Is That You Talking?'
The first rule of dealing with haters is don't ever hear whatever they say about you. Pretend that you never know what they said, and you can ask them, does the one that talk is them?
3. 'I Don't Know You Care About Me That Much'
4. 'You Spell the Wrong Word, You Mean Fans?'
Why there are people that hate others so much? It's because they also love them!
Haters, you say? Oh, maybe what you mean is fans. We bet they don't even know what haters mean.
5. 'I Know I'm Awesome'
6. 'You Are My Motivation'
We all need the motivation to better ourselves. Why don't you just turn your low life haters into something that can make yourself as well as be more gorgeous? Haters, you are my motivation! Also read How to Get a Guy to Notice You Without Talking to Him at School.
7. 'Is That What I Wear Last Week?'
8. 'You Must Be Remember Thing I Don't Even Remember'
Not only they care about you, but they also watch you every day. So it's not weird though if they remember things you don't even remember.
9. 'Do You Have a Life?'
You may want to know these sarcastic things to say to haters. Yes, we know, haters are so annoying.
They tend to give a comment about everything you do. It makes us wonder do they even have a life to live?
10. 'I'm Sorry I Can't Hear You'
Signs Your Haters Get Your Words
Here are signs your haters will back off because they get your words. Don't forget to check also How to Get Over Your First Love When You See Him every day.
1. Reduce Their Harsh Words
Sometimes you feel their words annoyed you. If you already said the sarcastic things to say to haters and it works, you will find that your haters will back off.
2. Block Your Social Media
You don't have time to block your haters one by one. That is why when your haters realize you won't care though, they will be the one that block you. Well, that's a good thing especially for you because you don't need to do the work.
3. Don't Care About You Anymore
In fact, haters hate you because they care about you. If they don't care about you anymore, it means they want to back off especially after you said sarcastic things to say to haters.
Went To My Haters Funeral
4. Have Fun with Themselves
Quotes About Haters
Yes, they completely give up hating you. Now they can have fun with their own life.
More Things to Say to Your Haters
Here are more things to say to your haters.
1. 'You Can Move to the Left'
If your haters think you're not doing right, you can simply tell them to move to the left.
2. 'You're Blocking My Sun'
Haters would do anything to make you down. So, tell them that they're blocking your sun!
To My Haters
3. 'Do You Want My Pizza Leftover?'
Maybe they envy for what you have on dinner. You can share your food with them, some pizza leftover will do.
4. 'Your Life Must Be Boring'
Kisses To My Haters
Yes, it is obvious that your life is way more amazing than theirs. Their life must be boring. Have fun sleeping, haters!
5. 'Go Out and Make Friends!'