Inspirational Quotes About Luck
Explore 129 Good Luck Quotes by authors including Orson Welles, Eric Hoffer, and Benjamin Franklin at BrainyQuote. If you see through luck, you’ll find it resembles strong habits. Those with strong habits never go out of luck. This is one of the best motivational quotes on life. Shallow people believe in luck and in circumstances; Strong people believe in cause and effect. – Ralph Waldo Emerson. The same laws that rule the stars rule us as well. Luck quotes and sayings including famous, inspirational, motivational quotations. More Luck Quotes. Diligence is the mother of good luck.
There are many special occasions worth commemorating. Birthdays, anniversaries, achievements and holidays come to mind. But perhaps nothings more natural and heartfelt than a simple good luck wish. It can be a fun, fresh way of saying “Congrats!”, “Well done!” or “Keep-up the great work!”. While most messages celebrate good things that have already happened, a good luck wish expresses our desire for good things to come. A good luck wish is special for this particular reason. It’s a way of showing goodwill and good faith that never goes out of fashion.
There are so many great good luck quotes to choose from. There are funny ones, snarky ones, thoughtful ones, and warm, intimate ones. When you want to wish someone good luck, be sure to choose a message that best reflects your relationship. An intimate message shared with a co-worker will probably make for awkward moments, and a passive, impersonal message will leave much to be desired if shared with loved ones like family and close friends.
May the grace of God be with you, protecting you always from any harm! Best wishes and good luck!
You have worked incredibly hard. Good luck! We are proud of you.
Exams are like ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends. Their thoughts harass you until late at night, turn your life upside down and cut you off from the rest of the world. All you can do is get over them as quickly as you can. Good luck.
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that my young boy would grow up into a man who would one day become his own boss. Son, good luck for your business.
Good luck to you as you move toward the next chapter life brings your way.
Every day is a gift. It can be really amazing, but it can be disappointing also. But I want to wish good luck in everything that happens in your life. May your life bring you only pleasant and helpful gifts!
Your faith will lead you to your success. Good luck!
Good luck for all your efforts, may you get what you truly deserve, my good wishes are always with you, go for it!
Good Luck Quotes for Best Friends
Friendship is one of the greatest gifts of life. So spare nothing to send your closest friends best wishes when the occasion arises. You can send wishes ahead of small but significant events like recitals, games and competitions. You can also send good luck messages ahead of exams or major life events like moving to a new city, starting a new job, attending a new school or starting a new training program. When you express your good will at moments like these, you’re actually nurturing your friendship. Remember to choose good luck quotes that are meaningful. One that speaks to a challenge your friend may be facing can be very helpful. Think of it as giving good advice in a heartfelt and memorable way.
I know that now you are on your way. To make a change and have another life’s test, I want to wish you good luck today, and whatever happens – know that you are the best.
An exam is not just about finishing just another paper. It is a chance to do well and silence your naysayers. Good luck.
I wish you the best of luck for the new job. Go ahead, do your best and get success. And remember one thing that never get dependent on your luck only. You luck will only support you when you will work hard and try to give your best. Good luck
As you get ready to write your exam, I wish you the best of luck. Don’t let any anxiety or fear control you. Leave them all at the entrance of the exam hall, and walk in with confidence. I believe in you, and I know you’ll come out with flying colors at the end of the day. All the best
Wishing good luck continues to follow you all through your life, my friend.
The easiest way to do well in your exams is to treat them like a giant punching bag. Use all the strength of your memory and punch the daylight of your tests. All the very best.
As you take your first baby steps towards becoming an IT entrepreneur, always remember that the ability to make fancy software and expensive gadgets does not always lead to success. It is the ability to adapt them to become useful in the lives of ordinary people is what leads to success. Good luck for your startup.
Life is what you make of it and I am happy to know that yours is filled with such good luck!
Quotes for Good Luck in the Future
When we think about the future, we often feel a mixture of hope and anxiety. The best good luck quotes tell us something about how to overcome our fears and work hard to realize the things we hope for. When choosing good luck quotes for the future, go for ones that are positive and inspiring. Keep in mind that the messages we send in cards, emails and social media updates form part of the receiver’s memories. A quote that’s simple, clear and respectful will have the effect you want.
Good luck quotes
What a wonderful day to reach all your goals and make the most desired dreams come true! I wish that you’ll take this opportunity and succeed in everything you do. Good luck!
This is not the time to entertain those butterflies in your stomach. I know you can do it. Good luck to you my friend!
Show the world your true power, show the world what you truly are, go there and stand out like the shining star, Good luck!
Do not give up, do not feel disheartened, you can do it and you will do it. Good Luck!
As you prepare for your upcoming exam, I want you to know that you are the best. I believe in you. So go out there and grab that victory. Good luck.
Bury your worries with a sunset and wake up fresh with new hopes every morning. Good luck!
If you hate any of your teachers for giving you detention, this is your chance to get back them by scoring well and earning their admiration. Good luck for your exams.
Funny Goodluck Messages

Laughter and good humor are often the best parts of our fondest memories, and everyone loves a good tongue-in-cheek message. Funny good luck messages can be a very cheerful way of sharing our good will and getting an important message across. To make sure your humor doesn’t fall flat and cause offense, consider your relationship with the recipient. Also, consider the recipient’s sensitivities. When in doubt, choose smart and tasteful humor. It always works.
Inspirational Quotes About Luck Stories
Owning a business is like being President of a country – you can call the shots but you also have to bear the brunt of failure. Good luck!
I find my heart singing a chorus at your happy news. Good luck to you during this joyous time.
The only thing that is able to attract luck is a genuine smile. Wake up, smile at the world and wait a little bit… I’m sure luck will delight you with amazing surprises if you keep smiling. Good luck!
If you really want this, the universe will conspire to achieve it, so you can do it. Good luck!
Things can be bad at times, as life is not always the same, there can be roadblocks and blame, but, eventually you will reach the goal, just play your part and role, Good luck to you!
As you march towards the mission, I wish for your victory. As you plunge into a deep trance of hard work, may you finish successfully. Good Luck!
Remember to never stop giving your best in any situation you find yourself in. If you do this, you shall achieve your goals and be a winner. Good luck for the future.
Good Encouraging Quotes
I believe in you. I believe that no matter how enormous the odds are, you shall excel. I believe you are destined for success. Just believe it is possible and even the impossible shall become possible. Good luck!

Good Luck and Success Quotes
Finally, keep it simple and be true to yourself. Your good luck wish will carry greater weight for a friend, family or co-worker who sees your personal touch in the message. With so many great quotes to choose from, it’s tempting to go for something wild and ambitious. Stay true to who you are and your good intentions will shine through your message no matter how short or simple it is.
Here’s wishing you good luck for a bright and prosperous future.
Luck is a funny thing because sometimes it can be good and sometimes it can be bad. So take matters in your own hand, study hard and stop relying on something so fickle. All the best.
No matter how delicious are the meals you serve up at your new restaurant, always remember that a heart of a business lies in honest food and good customer service. Wishing you good luck.
Good luck to you and remember to keep your head up high for all the days of your beautiful and wonderful life.
I want to wish you a really good day that will bring you a lot of great pieces of news and unforgettable events. I hope that fortune will treat you kind during your whole life. Good luck!
Everyone’s getting thrilled to see you fighting hard in that field do your best my friend! May you win this game in the end! Good luck!
Your efforts will help you to reap the best, this is and shall remain your test, do well is all I have to say, be prepared for every situation, come what may, Good luck to you, do well!
Loosing is better than quitting, if constant struggle is a pain, then quitting is a curse. Forget about quitting, think about winning Good Luck!
Inspirational Good Luck Sayings for Cards
You are special not because you were in a good position in your previous job, but because you had the guts to leave and face destiny right in the eye by becoming an entrepreneur. Good luck!
The good luck you have made for yourself is an inspiration to many. May it continue throughout your life.
Luck Quotes Short
May luck be a frequent visitor in your house! May it bring much happiness, peace and love with it! I’m sure you really deserve to be successful. Good luck!
May good luck be on your side today win this game with flying colors!
With the power of inner strength, you can achieve what you want, the power of hope will get you higher in life, just a little wait and strive, and you will be there on your path, so, keep it going strong, Good luck to you!
You are strong, attractive and smart. There is nothing you cannot do, you do perfect everything you start, now again you will come through. Play the game the way you want to play, you will make it, good luck today!
Don’t let fear get the better of you. I believe in you and I believe you’ll excel. Just believe in yourself and you shall pass with flying colors. Good luck!