Gambling On Twitch

You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. Starting at 9 p.m. ET, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be streaming Among Us with a number of Twitch streamers, including Pokimane, Hasanabi, and more. The congresswoman has never played the game.

  1. Twit Live Tv
  2. Popular Game On Twitch
  3. Twitch Sings

Networking on Twitch can sometimes be a daunting and misunderstood process. This social exchange is a vital aspect of growing a streamer’s presence, which is why you must do it right. Otherwise, a young up-and-comer might end up hurting their growth on Twitch instead of helping it.

Let’s take a look at what tools a budding streamer should use to start networking on Twitch effectively.

Video Guide

As with all of our guides, below I have included a full video tutorial if that is your preferred method of learning.

You’re in the company of fellow streamers who love the very thing that you love and Twitch has brought all of you together.

These social platforms are where you’ll build your networking kingdom, my friends. They each provide an invaluable channel to your fellow streamers and each should be used to their fullest potential.

I’m not saying these are the only platforms you should consider networking on. There’s certainly plenty of opportunities on Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube or even email to build your network on. However, you can only be on so many platforms without spreading yourself too thinly. So these 3 are my recommendations for getting started with networking as a streamer.


I know, the first platform, Twitch, is kind of an eye-roll. Of course, you’re already using it, but are you using it for all it can offer? Sure, it’s your window to the world, but you’re not the only one putting yourself on display. There are thousands of other streamers on Twitch, and they will be the nodes of your network.

When thinking of where to begin your networking on Twitch, start with what you play. Whether it’s the wastelands of Fallout, the battlefields of Fortnite, or a game that’s made in 1997, you belong to the community that thrives around that game. And a community is never made of a sole member, I promise. You’re in the company of fellow streamers who love the very thing that you love and Twitch has brought all of you together. All you have to do is reach out!

An Example

Let’s get practical; I love Subnautica. It’s an underwater exploration game that carries a viewership of fewer than 1,000 viewers per day on Twitch. It’s not a bustling community, but an active one all the same. Within this smaller community, I have quickly come to know who the streaming regulars are. These are the streamers who play Subnautica for weeks, even months at a time.

During the times that I’m not streaming, I make the effort to drop into their chats and introduce myself. I’ll ask questions about their adventure or make suggestions on what part of the waterworld they should explore next. I’m there to share in that passion.

Regardless of what I’m saying, I’m putting in the time to be active in their stream. All while becoming a name that (hopefully) they’ll remember. Of course, I also follow these streamers and I host them if they’re still plunging the alien depths when I log out for the night.

Do you think that these streamers will sometimes show up in my chat? Do you think they also follow and host my stream? Absolutely they do.

There’s plenty more to say about this process, but let’s talk about our other two social platforms first.


Twit Live Tv

Ah Discord, you only appeared in our life a few years ago. Yet it’s hard to imagine streaming, gaming, anything without your alerts chirping away in our ear.

While Discord is great for sharing gifs of Michael Scott (which is all I ever really want to do). It’s also a streamer’s best communication tool, hands down.

You’ll notice plenty of streamers have their own Discord servers–and that’s great! However, at the beginning of your streaming career, it’s best to make yourself an active member of other streamer’s servers. Discord gives you another presence in their streaming life and it’s where all the conversations are being had.

Make yourself a part of these conversations. Introduce yourself and make your voice heard. Network by helping to grow another streamer’s garden so that they may do the same for you, all while putting yourself in front of potential fans.

And how is this any different from participating in a Twitch chat? There’s one huge factor, and it can make all the difference in your networking. While a Twitch chat usually goes dark after a broadcast ends, the conversations never end on Discord.

You’ve seen it before–servers that have channels devoted to every kind of conversation topic you can think of. Great Discord servers aren’t just a place where a streamer makes announcements, they’re places that people never want to leave. Right now, as you read this, someone is having a chat about Marvel or Westworld in a Discord server for a streamer that’s not even streaming.

Why do you think that is? It’s because they’ve found a community they never want to leave. To a growing streamer, you’ll have no better place to network than in communities like these.

Making your own Discord Server

As your Twitch career progresses, you’ll find the want, even the need for your own Discord server. For now, pursue that day and the feeling that’ll come with realizing your Twitch community is calling for another place to keep the conversation going.

And in the spirit of this topic, I’d like to remind you that Gaming Careers has our own awesome Discord server. Stop by and introduce yourself–If you’ve read this far, you know that it’s a pivotal first step!


Twitter is yet another great tool used for networking with fellow Twitch streamers, for several reasons. But I think one very specific reason is often overlooked.

As you follow, share, and engage with your fellow streamers on Twitter, you’re broadening their reach to people who may be unaware they even exist. Those people who follow you, but don’t follow the people you’re engaging with.


Retweets, likes, replies, they leave your feed and appear all over the place. If you’re a Twitter user, you know the feeling of chasing a person or project down the retweet rabbit hole. Something ends up on your feed and you’ve got to know more. You’re creating this effect for your streaming friends–you’re networking on behalf of your fellow streamers!

It should go without saying that this sharing effect works in reverse too. Those streamers who you support will come through for you when you share your content with the Twitterverse. The internet, my friends, is a wondrous place.

There are some very active hashtags you can follow on Twitter, such as #SupportSmallStreamers and #RoadToAffiliate which streamers use to network on Twitter. Find some other streamers who are at a similar stage in their growth to you, and give them a reply, like or retweet!

In every action you take when networking with another Twitch streamer, be genuine.

While I hope every single word written here has been beneficial to an amateur streamer, I want this last section to resonate. Read what I’m about to say and please learn from it.

In every action you take when networking with another Twitch streamer, be genuine. Do not view the messages you’re sending or the conversations you’re having as nothing but a means to benefit your streaming career because that will get you nowhere.

These connections you’re making should be viewed as friendships by both parties. You’re not climbing a ladder to rise above other streamers, you’re building bridges with the members of your community. Everything listed above will only be worth it if the people you’re engaging with actually want you in their streaming life.

Earlier I mentioned how other streamers began hosting my Twitch stream and coming into my chat; that is not something my fellow streamers are obligated to do. Oh no–they chose to host my content and share my work through their world because we’d built a friendship.

Always remember: no other Twitch streamer owes you anything, but friends will do everything they can to help you succeed. This, right here, is networking.

  1. Read the virtual room. If someone isn’t engaging back with you, then you may want to network elsewhere. I’m not saying stop after one unacknowledged message, but do not cross from ambitious to annoying. That’s not something to easily recover from.
  2. To streamline the process of hosting your streaming pals on your channel, check out Twitch’s Autohosting feature. Head to the settings page of your Twitch account and enter the Channels and Videos tab. In this tab, you’ll find a very handy feature called Autohosting. The name speaks for itself, but this feature will allow you to build a list of channels that will then be automatically hosted when you stop broadcasting. You can customize this to allow for prioritized hosting of your favorite streamers, or randomly picking from a list. If you happen to belong to a Twitch team, you can also allow the autohost to pull from the fellow members of your team. Autohosting is a great time saver and one of the few ways to automate your networking on Twitch without losing any of the flair. Check it out!
  3. When looking to promote your Twitch stream on Discord, first see if there are channels devoted to self-promotion and post accordingly. Even if you don’t see one, it wouldn’t hurt to reach out to any of the admins on the server and find out what the rules are in regards to self-promotion.
  4. Remember, networking is a bridge, not a ladder. Do not forget about the people who shared your content and engaged with you as you grew your career, even if your light begins to shine brighter than theirs.
  5. Play Subnautica. For real, it’s awesome.
Gambling On Twitch

This section deserves its own article, so that’s exactly what I plan to write. Stay tuned for our article that’ll dive into the world of cons and the networking opportunities within.

Whilst you’re here, why not start your networking journey right now by interacting with us on Twitch, Twitter and Discord!

Networking on Twitch can sometimes be a daunting and misunderstood process. This social exchange is a vital aspect of growing a streamer’s presence, which is why you must do it right. Otherwise, a young up-and-comer might end up hurting their growth on Twitch instead of helping it.

Let’s take a look at what tools a budding streamer should use to start networking on Twitch effectively.

Video Guide

As with all of our guides, below I have included a full video tutorial if that is your preferred method of learning.

You’re in the company of fellow streamers who love the very thing that you love and Twitch has brought all of you together.

These social platforms are where you’ll build your networking kingdom, my friends. They each provide an invaluable channel to your fellow streamers and each should be used to their fullest potential.

I’m not saying these are the only platforms you should consider networking on. There’s certainly plenty of opportunities on Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube or even email to build your network on. However, you can only be on so many platforms without spreading yourself too thinly. So these 3 are my recommendations for getting started with networking as a streamer.


I know, the first platform, Twitch, is kind of an eye-roll. Of course, you’re already using it, but are you using it for all it can offer? Sure, it’s your window to the world, but you’re not the only one putting yourself on display. There are thousands of other streamers on Twitch, and they will be the nodes of your network.

When thinking of where to begin your networking on Twitch, start with what you play. Whether it’s the wastelands of Fallout, the battlefields of Fortnite, or a game that’s made in 1997, you belong to the community that thrives around that game. And a community is never made of a sole member, I promise. You’re in the company of fellow streamers who love the very thing that you love and Twitch has brought all of you together. All you have to do is reach out!

An Example

Let’s get practical; I love Subnautica. It’s an underwater exploration game that carries a viewership of fewer than 1,000 viewers per day on Twitch. It’s not a bustling community, but an active one all the same. Within this smaller community, I have quickly come to know who the streaming regulars are. These are the streamers who play Subnautica for weeks, even months at a time.

During the times that I’m not streaming, I make the effort to drop into their chats and introduce myself. I’ll ask questions about their adventure or make suggestions on what part of the waterworld they should explore next. I’m there to share in that passion.

Regardless of what I’m saying, I’m putting in the time to be active in their stream. All while becoming a name that (hopefully) they’ll remember. Of course, I also follow these streamers and I host them if they’re still plunging the alien depths when I log out for the night.

Do you think that these streamers will sometimes show up in my chat? Do you think they also follow and host my stream? Absolutely they do.

There’s plenty more to say about this process, but let’s talk about our other two social platforms first.


Ah Discord, you only appeared in our life a few years ago. Yet it’s hard to imagine streaming, gaming, anything without your alerts chirping away in our ear.

While Discord is great for sharing gifs of Michael Scott (which is all I ever really want to do). It’s also a streamer’s best communication tool, hands down.

You’ll notice plenty of streamers have their own Discord servers–and that’s great! However, at the beginning of your streaming career, it’s best to make yourself an active member of other streamer’s servers. Discord gives you another presence in their streaming life and it’s where all the conversations are being had.

Make yourself a part of these conversations. Introduce yourself and make your voice heard. Network by helping to grow another streamer’s garden so that they may do the same for you, all while putting yourself in front of potential fans.

And how is this any different from participating in a Twitch chat? There’s one huge factor, and it can make all the difference in your networking. While a Twitch chat usually goes dark after a broadcast ends, the conversations never end on Discord.

You’ve seen it before–servers that have channels devoted to every kind of conversation topic you can think of. Great Discord servers aren’t just a place where a streamer makes announcements, they’re places that people never want to leave. Right now, as you read this, someone is having a chat about Marvel or Westworld in a Discord server for a streamer that’s not even streaming.

Why do you think that is? It’s because they’ve found a community they never want to leave. To a growing streamer, you’ll have no better place to network than in communities like these.

Making your own Discord Server

As your Twitch career progresses, you’ll find the want, even the need for your own Discord server. For now, pursue that day and the feeling that’ll come with realizing your Twitch community is calling for another place to keep the conversation going.

And in the spirit of this topic, I’d like to remind you that Gaming Careers has our own awesome Discord server. Stop by and introduce yourself–If you’ve read this far, you know that it’s a pivotal first step!


Twitch Sings

Twitter is yet another great tool used for networking with fellow Twitch streamers, for several reasons. But I think one very specific reason is often overlooked.

As you follow, share, and engage with your fellow streamers on Twitter, you’re broadening their reach to people who may be unaware they even exist. Those people who follow you, but don’t follow the people you’re engaging with.

Retweets, likes, replies, they leave your feed and appear all over the place. If you’re a Twitter user, you know the feeling of chasing a person or project down the retweet rabbit hole. Something ends up on your feed and you’ve got to know more. You’re creating this effect for your streaming friends–you’re networking on behalf of your fellow streamers!

It should go without saying that this sharing effect works in reverse too. Those streamers who you support will come through for you when you share your content with the Twitterverse. The internet, my friends, is a wondrous place.

There are some very active hashtags you can follow on Twitter, such as #SupportSmallStreamers and #RoadToAffiliate which streamers use to network on Twitter. Find some other streamers who are at a similar stage in their growth to you, and give them a reply, like or retweet!

In every action you take when networking with another Twitch streamer, be genuine.

While I hope every single word written here has been beneficial to an amateur streamer, I want this last section to resonate. Read what I’m about to say and please learn from it.

In every action you take when networking with another Twitch streamer, be genuine. Do not view the messages you’re sending or the conversations you’re having as nothing but a means to benefit your streaming career because that will get you nowhere.

These connections you’re making should be viewed as friendships by both parties. You’re not climbing a ladder to rise above other streamers, you’re building bridges with the members of your community. Everything listed above will only be worth it if the people you’re engaging with actually want you in their streaming life.

Earlier I mentioned how other streamers began hosting my Twitch stream and coming into my chat; that is not something my fellow streamers are obligated to do. Oh no–they chose to host my content and share my work through their world because we’d built a friendship.

Always remember: no other Twitch streamer owes you anything, but friends will do everything they can to help you succeed. This, right here, is networking.

  1. Read the virtual room. If someone isn’t engaging back with you, then you may want to network elsewhere. I’m not saying stop after one unacknowledged message, but do not cross from ambitious to annoying. That’s not something to easily recover from.
  2. To streamline the process of hosting your streaming pals on your channel, check out Twitch’s Autohosting feature. Head to the settings page of your Twitch account and enter the Channels and Videos tab. In this tab, you’ll find a very handy feature called Autohosting. The name speaks for itself, but this feature will allow you to build a list of channels that will then be automatically hosted when you stop broadcasting. You can customize this to allow for prioritized hosting of your favorite streamers, or randomly picking from a list. If you happen to belong to a Twitch team, you can also allow the autohost to pull from the fellow members of your team. Autohosting is a great time saver and one of the few ways to automate your networking on Twitch without losing any of the flair. Check it out!
  3. When looking to promote your Twitch stream on Discord, first see if there are channels devoted to self-promotion and post accordingly. Even if you don’t see one, it wouldn’t hurt to reach out to any of the admins on the server and find out what the rules are in regards to self-promotion.
  4. Remember, networking is a bridge, not a ladder. Do not forget about the people who shared your content and engaged with you as you grew your career, even if your light begins to shine brighter than theirs.
  5. Play Subnautica. For real, it’s awesome.

This section deserves its own article, so that’s exactly what I plan to write. Stay tuned for our article that’ll dive into the world of cons and the networking opportunities within.

Whilst you’re here, why not start your networking journey right now by interacting with us on Twitch, Twitter and Discord!